Here's how severely obese women are overriding their genetic obesity without gastric sleeve surgery

Join the world’s most powerful group for women to slim down naturally

 (While eliminating hunger and cravings.)

  Get Instant Access Now!

Inside, you’ll get access to:

  • Discover the #1 reason most women suffer from the inability to lose weight, and the 3 steps to reverse it in my exclusive workshop.
  • Stories of women actively losing weight naturally with no medications or expensive surgeries
  • A proven method to turn the body into a fat-melting machine without feeling “hangry” (hungry-angry) so you can be the active, energetic mom/grandma you always wanted to be.
  • Do this one morning ritual along with me and get expert insight regarding stress-related weight gain and how to conquer it.
  • Get instant access to The H3 Guided Meditation proven to reduce hunger pangs and cravings.
  • Exclusive DIRECT Method training that you won’t find anywhere else
  • The TRUTH about destructive diets that many people believe in are actually making your metabolism slow down and how to reverse it.
  • A community of some of the bravest, most courageous women who have broken up with their “Fat Girl” identity and stepped into their true “Super Woman.” 

Your Group Host…

Julia Carr specializes in helping severely obese women override genetic obesity so they can have vibrant energy, move with ease and be the active mom/grandma or friend they always wanted to be.

Julia is the creator of the DIRECT Weight-loss Method that uses a step-by-step natural approach to build health, break barriers, and beat the weight-gain cycle. Julia’s clients have lost 10-20 pounds a month following her simple protocol.

Julia is a certified Natural Health Coach and Naturopathic Practitioner and is also a pastor of a rural church in Maine and often talks about God, Jesus, Holy Spirit and the Bible. While you do not need to share her beliefs to benefit from this group, if you are uncomfortable with “Bible talk,” this is not the group for you.